Sunday, January 29, 2006

Public Finance in 4th century Athens

We've received a request from a reader named George in the UK who is looking for some help with bibliography in the subject above. He would appreciate any help, and I'll direct him to any comments left here.

I can't say that I know a lot (or anything) about the subject, but I imagine a good place to start would be Robin Osborne & Simon Hornblower's Ritual, Finance, Politics: Athenian Democratic Accounts (OUP 1994).

I've recently run across a few articles and things that discuss public finance in 3rd century Delphi under the Aetolian league, and such things seem very specialized. I'd recommend doing some creative searches with L'Année philologique, which your university or (hopefully) one nearby will allow you to access. Off the top of my head I'd guess that BCH (Bulletin de correspondance hellénique) will end up being a good source for inscriptional evidence.

Good luck!

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